10 Feminine Morning Habits you need to start now! You may be wondering about the purpose of morning habits. There are many reasons why morning routines have become sacred rituals for women from various backgrounds and cultures. A well-structured morning routine can significantly impact how you start your day. If you find yourself wishing for more personal time in the morning before tending to others or diving into work and home responsibilities, you’re not alone.

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Rushed Mornings?
If your mornings are chaotic and rushed—trying to get out the door for work, college, an important meeting, a doctor’s appointment, or dropping the kids off at school—it can quickly become overwhelming. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. By incorporating a few essential feminine habits into your morning, you can approach your day with anticipation rather than dread.
Imagine enjoying your coffee in the quiet of your home or on your porch while watching a beautiful sunrise, or completing a 20-minute Pilates or HIIT workout and showering before heading to the office.
With some thoughtful practice and a bit of determination, you can create the morning routine of your dreams. Below are 10 feminine morning habits to consider. Try a few or select your favorites to enhance your current routine.
Let’s take the guesswork out of what you must do now to live out your dream feminine-filled, boss-babe morning routine…
Feminine Morning Habits Tip # 1
- Wake up at the same time every day.
This can be challenging if you are used to not having a solid sleeping routine, especially if you stay up at different hours each night. Your body will collect that sleep debt it’s owed, and waking up at the same time each day can be quite a challenge. Studies have shown that when your mind and body are well rested, your cortisol levels will be lower, which is especially important for women 35+.
If your body and mind are well rested, you will have less brain fog and more energy. Plus, your appetite will be within a normal range, and your hormones will have an easier time staying balanced. Your body will be able to heal and recover from everything you put it through the day before.
Waking up at the same time every day will help your body regulate and adapt to your new sleep schedule. Besides, creating this feminine habit will help get you to the Boss Babe or It Girl status you’ve been dreaming of.

Tip #2
2. Change Your Waking System
Imagine the alarm blaring bright and early, but you’re so accustomed to the same standard notification sound that you don’t budge an inch, ultimately sleeping through it again.
Alternatively, the jarring sound could abruptly wake you up, causing you to stumble out of bed and start your day in a loud, rushed, and stressful manner. This frantic start can set the tone for the rest of your day; your stress hormones might surge even before you’ve fully stood up, throwing off everything that follows that intrusive alarm.
That may sound a bit exaggerated, but you understand the point. There are much better ways to wake up. You can find a more pleasant-sounding alarm or ask your smart device to wake you up with a favorite song. Some programmable alarms offer a wide range of options to choose from.
Even better, if you’re like me, you might have a furry companion who insists on sitting on your chest, purring loudly and demanding both your attention and food.

3. Give yourself extra time!
To make the most of your day, it’s beneficial to give yourself a few extra hours before you’re expected to head out the door. By allowing an additional hour (or two) for yourself before caring for the needs of others at home or work, you can better balance your own needs with those of others. A common phrase I hear is, “I just don’t have enough time.” The truth is, we all have the same 24 hours in a day.
It’s tough love, but consider this: Is waking up just a few minutes or an hour earlier each day worth gaining more time to do what you love? Personally, I wake up one hour before my children to prepare for our busy morning routine. I keep this time flexible; some days, I manage to fit in a full yoga workout, while other days, I enjoy simply sipping my warm morning beverage and reading or writing.
If you’re living a fast-paced life and want to slow down to enjoy more of your favorite activities, start now. Stop postponing that book you’ve been wanting to read or the journal entry that’s been on your mind all day. You could complete a workout before your day officially begins or prioritize your own needs over others for a change.
Self-care is crucial, especially in our often stressful and hurried lives. There’s a reason the slow life is trending. Give it a try; you might discover that you truly appreciate having some “me time.”

Feminine Morning Habits Tip #4
4. Making your bed.
Okay, Mom! We’ve all been taught, or at least told, to make our beds—if not first thing in the morning, then at some point during the day. Now, I know you might be thinking, “Is that really feminine advice?”
Yes, it is.
Making your bed has been shown in studies (you’ll need to look this up until I decide to write a complete post on the subject) to help start your day on the right track. It has something to do with marking that first checklist item off your list. This creates a theme for the day: organization and productivity. In other words, it helps you get your act together.
Some advice floating around on the internet suggests letting your sheets and mattress air out before covering them back up. It doesn’t take long to let the bed air out; you could simply wash your face, brush your teeth, and then make your bed afterward.
Another reason to make your bed in the morning is that it looks so nice! Every time I walk upstairs and pass my bedroom, I smile. I catch a glimpse of the beautifully made bed, with just the right amount of feminine touch, too many throw pillows, the crocheted blanket my sister made, and usually a cat sleeping peacefully.

Feminine Morning Habits Tip #5
5. Skincare
Ice baths, vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, moisturizers, and, of course, sunscreen are all essential components of a good skincare routine. It’s important to focus on skincare habits tailored to your individual needs. Only you can determine which products work best for your skin type. If you’re unsure, consider consulting a dermatologist or experimenting through trial and error. This may require some research on your part. While I won’t recommend specific brands or products, I’d like to share what works for me.
Let’s dive a little deeper. Your skin has a protective layer that constantly rejuvenates and heals itself: the dermis. This layer is tough to penetrate without treatments like lasers, so we’ll focus on the visible outer layer. Remember, moisturizing is essential!
I like to start my day with a refreshing ice bath for my face. The idea is to submerge my face in a bowl of ice-cold water, which is said to boost the immune system, reduce puffiness, and help wake me up. In the colder fall and winter months, I use tap water, which tends to stay quite cold. During the warmer months, I prefer a large bowl filled with water and ice.
After the ice bath, I apply a toner. My favorites are rose water and vitamin C drops that contain hyaluronic acid and other vital ingredients that brighten the skin. I follow this with a moisturizing brightener and a pure moisturizer, such as olive oil or tallow.
Lastly, and most importantly, I apply sunscreen. (I understand there is some debate about sunscreen use, so please do your research and choose what works best for you.) On the plus side, vitamin C drops help achieve that healthy, “I woke up like this” glow that many of us strive for.

Feminine Morning Habits Tip #6
6. Dress with intention
Dressing with purpose is an essential tip for women. While it might be tempting to roll out of bed and stay in the leggings and loose shirt you wore the night before, it’s important to remember this: although I value comfort and recognize the need for “lazy” days for health and recovery, dressing for the role you wish to embody is crucial. Just like making your bed, getting dressed for the day can help set the stage for a successful and empowered day ahead.
You don’t have to go shopping for new clothes if you don’t want to or if it’s not within your budget. Instead, consider exploring your own closet and practicing how to pair existing pieces together. For example, you could wear a dress with a cardigan and cinch it at the waist with a belt. Add tights in a fun or unusual pattern and experiment with different shoes. An outfit looks great when you coordinate matching hats, boots, and handbags.
Dressing up allows you to showcase your style and express your mood, so have fun with it! An additional tip is to select your outfit the night before.

Feminine Morning Habits Tip #7
7. Drink warm lemon water
Hot lemon water is a practice I highly recommend for channeling some feminine power. The idea is to drink a cup of warm lemon water first thing in the morning, preferably before having coffee or tea. This routine can help balance gut health, improve digestion, and regulate hormones. Plus, it provides a nice dose of vitamin C to boost your immune system and energize you to start the day.
This has become a non-negotiable part of my morning—it’s delicious, and I love knowing that I’m getting a bit of hydration before diving into caffeine.
If straight lemon water doesn’t appeal to you, consider the popular trend of taking an olive oil and lemon juice shot. Sometimes, I switch between the two. To make it, simply juice 1-2 tablespoons of organic lemon into a small glass and mix in an equal amount of high-quality, organic olive oil. This combination includes healthy fats along with all the benefits mentioned above.
Additionally, this is a great time to take supplements such as capsaicin, pre/probiotics, and daily collagen.

Feminine Morning Habits Tip #8
8. Coffee with your food
I can’t believe I said it, either! Can we still be friends? As it turns out, having coffee on an empty stomach can release cortisol and disrupt your hormones—something many women over 35 struggle with. I’ve even had doctors tell me to stop drinking coffee altogether. My response? NEVER!
So, I was thrilled to discover that having coffee with breakfast, or at least within an hour of waking up, can make a difference. If you’re a “coffee before talking” person, hello, friend! I encourage you to try having your coffee alongside some food and see if it makes a difference. If you’re not ready to eat early in the morning, a workaround for having coffee with your meal is to munch on a few nuts, a piece of fruit, or some cheese first. Personally, I eat two Brazil nuts every day before my first sip of coffee. I feel great, and so does everyone who interacts with me!
*Side note: Brazil nuts are packed with selenium, which is essential for thyroid health. They’re best absorbed on an empty stomach or right after lemon water. However, be careful not to overdo it—too much selenium can be harmful, so it’s best to limit yourself to one or two nuts.

Feminine Morning Habits Tip #9
9. Having a balanced breakfast
Having a balanced breakfast, regardless of the time you eat it, can work wonders for your energy levels. To enhance your breakfast, include sources of protein and fiber. A nutritious breakfast may consist of a couple of eggs, which are excellent for hormone health and a great source of protein (though they might make you feel a bit sleepy!).
Oatmeal topped with superfoods or mixed with protein powder or milk can keep you satisfied until lunch. There are also many smoothie or yogurt bowl recipes that offer a variety of nutrients and vitamins, allowing for protein add-ins like nuts, hemp hearts, Greek yogurt, and granola.
If you’re typically not a breakfast eater (not me—breakfast is my biggest meal of the day!), give it a try and see if it improves your digestion and energy throughout the day. This is also a great time to take your morning supplements, such as daily vitamins and omega-3s, which are better absorbed on a full stomach.

Feminine Morning Habits Tip #10
10. Going for a Morning Walk
Going for a walk is a fantastic habit to develop. It can serve as an effective workout, depending on your fitness goals and ability levels. Plus, you can bring along your dog to enjoy the time together.
Morning walks, ideally done within an hour before breakfast, can complement your fasted exercise routine if that’s what you prefer. Walking aids digestion, improves circulation, and is beneficial for your mental well-being. Many fitness experts recommend aiming for around 10,000 steps daily; starting your day with a morning walk can help you reach that goal.
Additionally, walking is a great way to set your intentions for the day. It can bring clarity, inspire new ideas, and unleash your creativity as you connect with the steady rhythm of your feet on the ground. It’s also a perfect opportunity to listen to your favorite podcast, TED talk, or audiobook—talk about multitasking!
There you have it, 10 feminine habits you need to start today!
Below you can find external links to all the products that I use daily 🙂

Here are the products that I use daily:
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Capsaicin: https://amzn.to/4hXtP0w
Simply Blossom Greens, collagen, pro-biotic & superfoods: https://amzn.to/4hSvapd
Nature Made Multi: https://amzn.to/4hSvnJ1
Vitamin D3 with K2: https://amzn.to/3CCD9GU
Alaya Multi Collagen: https://amzn.to/3ZcueVb
Honest Beauty Get Glowing Bundle: https://amzn.to/4eJ0xQ5
Tallow: https://amzn.to/40SZf1I
Face Sunscreen: https://amzn.to/48VuV8E
Rose Water: https://amzn.to/3ZbxH6D
Ritual grade Matcha green tea: https://amzn.to/4eOfe4I
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Love all the tips, especially waking up at the same time everyday. My inner clock has started waking me up early for the last 2 years, but even though it was unintentional, I can feel the difference in my morning attitude and energy.
Next step: try the warm lemon water!
Hi Natalie! It’s amazing how much energy we gain once our bodies know what to expect. We don’t put it into shock that way. I’m so excited for you to try the lemon water, it really does balance out your hormones, thyroid, your gut health and the vitamin C first thing sets your immune system up with a nice little protective shield. Thank you for your comments and I hope to see you around A Feminine Life again 🙂