Have you ever wondered why some women look like they seem to have it all together? Do you admire a woman who is thriving as a boss, mother, partner, and in her social and personal life? You might be a tad curious what A Day in the Life on How to Be an ‘It Girl’ might look like.
If you answered yes, then this post is for you. How to Be an ‘It Girl’ offers insider tips to help you become your best, most attractive self.
Hello, I’m Britt Gal, and welcome to A Feminine Life.
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I want to express that everyone is perfect as they are. This post aims to help you gain confidence in being yourself and in putting your best foot forward. A Day in the Life on How to Be an ‘It Girl’ is meant as entertainment and speaks to what is currently trending on Pinterest and other search engines.
Tip 1. Believe in Yourself That You Have What it Takes
Every woman has the ability to be confident, sexy, classy, and successful. The key is to believe in yourself. Your background, financial status, or profession do not define you. Whether you are a mother, single, or married, and regardless of your age or any other factor…what matters most is your self-belief.
Believe in yourself, and the sky’s the limit. Picture a world where you are your own biggest cheerleader, envisioning your desires without holding back. Now that you believe in yourself, you’ve unlocked the key to becoming the It Girl you admire. What’s next?
Take a look at step 2.
Tip 2. Be Confident
Because confidence correlates with believing in yourself, this is secret number 2 for A Day in the Life on How to Be an ‘It Girl’.
But what does it mean to be confident? If you are true to yourself, people will recognize your authenticity, including your flaws and quirks. Being yourself leads to greater happiness, attracting those who appreciate you.
Are you wondering how to become more confident? There are other posts specifically designed to help you with this. This post aims to cover the essence of becoming an It Girl. Long story short, gaining confidence does not happen overnight. Rather, you will need to practice several habits to find your confidence. Start by believing you have what it takes, loving who you are, (what makes you unique) and being yourself.
Tip 3. Practice Makes Perfect
This guidance seems broad, but it’s profoundly relevant to various aspects of life! Today, let’s embark on an inspiring journey to uncover your unique personal style! If you are feeling good, you are looking good. It goes back to that confidence tip. A Day in the Life on How to Be an ‘It Girl’ will take some patience, practice and habit stacking.
Practice dressing for your body. Or, using makeup (or developing a skincare routine) to enhance your features. You can also choose a flattering hairstyle specific to your face shape. These are just a few great places to start. You can also look into making healthy choices, exercising, drinking enough water, and getting the proper supplements.
The point is, never give up and never settle.
Tip 4. Dress For Your Body Shape (How it is Right Now)
What makes you feel good, and essentially look good, is knowing the proper way to dress for your body type. To add to this, you should dress right for your body now. Do not dress what you think it will be in the future. Not even if you plan on losing weight or are trying to gain muscle.
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it a thousand times:
Dress right for your body so you always have something to wear. A universal tip? Wear low-contrast or monochromatic colors from head to toe, making you look taller and slimmer. Another great tip is to find what colors suit your skin tone best. Are you a winter or a summer? Do you look best in jewel or autumn tones? Your perfect wardrobe is waiting for you.
Tip 5. Dress with Intention
…is a second part to tip number 4. Don’t wake up and throw on the first thing your hands grab. Unless you’ve perfected your wardrobe and know everything fits and suits you. More on the perfect and flattering capsule wardrobe later… Dress intentionally each day to fill the role you want to embody.
Ever heard the phrase “fake it ’til you make it”? This suggests that believing in yourself can help you become who you aspire to be.
If you dress carelessly, can you expect to feel otherwise? Wearing the same clothing you slept in will make you feel unproductive, drained, or unrefined.
Tip 6. Move Your Body
A Day in the Life on How to Be an ‘It Girl’ will include some form of fitness or exercise, even if that looks like walking, biking, or strolling around town with your girls.
Every It Girl knows that staying in shape is essential to fit into her favorite wardrobe year after year. Do you see a woman who effortlessly maintains the same size year after year? While genes play a part, she likely knows the secret to keeping her slim figure.
Getting in the proper fitness routine is essential to maintaining your womanly figure.
Tip 7 Balanced Diet
Your It Girl maintains a slim figure year-round by exercising. But wait, there’s more. Not only that, but she enjoys eating out and doesn’t deprive herself either. This can be equally frustrating. Especially if you swear that just by looking at a cake, you gain five lbs.
Your It Girl doesn’t deprive herself. She enjoys dining out with friends and having the occasional glass of wine. How does she do it?
In simple terms, she consumes balanced and healthy meals most of the time. Aim for 80/20: eat well 80 percent of the time and reserve 20 percent for treats.
*Bonus tip: Only eat to the point of satisfaction, not fullness. Intuitive eating is an It Girl standard.
Tip 8. Be a positive person
There is more to an It Girl than just her looks, the way she carries herself, or what she eats. An It Girl possesses a unique charisma that sets her apart. She is lively and outgoing, kind and friendly. She has mastered the art of being a beacon of positivism.
How does she always seem to have the energy all the time?
As already said in tip #3. Practice, practice, practice. Being a more positive person does not happen overnight. It will take a series of trial and error. It will take constant effort on your part to change the way you think. Start small. Here are 10 ideas to get you going.
- smile more
- don’t judge others
- journal your thoughts
- Take control of your thoughts
- encourage others (lift others up)
- Say something nice about yourself in the mirror every day
- Make a goal to pass out five compliments to other people every day
- Meditate
- Exercise releases happy endorphins
- A balanced diet full of lots of colorful fruits and vegetables can aid in happiness.
Tip 9. She recognizes when she needs help
An It Girl is in tune with herself, her body, and her mind. She knows when it’s time to make changes or ask for help. She also knows when to let go of what’s not working and try something new.
Stay in tune with yourself to know when to seek help. If you’re low on energy, feeling down, or burnt out, consider making a change. A doctor can check for deficiencies. A coach can help you regain focus. And a personal trainer can assist with plateaus. A friend can also provide support and encouragement.
Tip 10. Be consistent by developing habits
One key trait that all It Girls embody is the power of consistency. Achieving our dreams starts with the unwavering dedication to our goals. When we cultivate healthy habits, they transform into second nature, seamlessly integrating into our lives.
Those daily routines and steadfast practices empower us to become that It Girl—the one who radiates confidence and thrives effortlessly.
Remember, each small step taken consistently paves the way to greatness. Embrace the journey, for with commitment and perseverance, you will become unstoppable!
About the author: Britt Gal is a former YA Fantasy author exploring new writing projects. She is known for creating strong female heroines and romantic elements in her stories. Additionally, she helps others embrace their femininity and appreciate the beauty of the world.
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[…] If you are looking for more on building your confidence, check out this post HERE: https://afemininelife.com/a-day-in-the-life-on-how-to-be-an-it-girl/ […]