You too? When I was searching for “how to age gracefully” years ago, This was because I began to notice the usual signs of aging: a few brown spots, some wrinkles, and dry, dull skin. There were obvious effects of aging on my face and skin, and I realized that my metabolism was starting to slow down. My regular daily activities were no longer enough to prevent extra weight from accumulating around my midsection, back, arms, thighs, and even my face. I nearly panicked.
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Nearly. Phew! That was a close one!
While I couldn’t control the aging process, I could influence how gracefully I approached it. I took a deep breath, meditated for a few minutes, and decided to return to the basics. I opened my journal and started writing down all the health routines and practices I had been following my entire life. Then, I listed the changes I had made. That’s when I noticed some important differences in my habits. With this insight, I was able to get back on track!
In this post, I’ve compiled a list of secrets to help you age gracefully in your 20’s, 30’s, and beyond.
Please Note for How to Age Gracefully in Your 20s, 30s, and Beyond…
As shown in the images below, I have maintained a consistent appearance throughout my 20s, 30s, and now as I approach 40! While there are many changes and differences evident in these photos, I wouldn’t have it any other way; I’m proud to be alive and to experience the process of aging. Please note that I have never used any filters on these pictures, as most were taken before filters became popular. Additionally, I have not undergone any plastic surgery, injections, or fillers. These photos represent my journey both before and after having my four children!
If you missed part one to How to Age Gracefully in Your 20s, 30s, and Beyond, check out the first post HERE:
8. Day dreaming
9. Getting outdoors
10. Having children
11. Romanticizing My Life
12. Continuing Education
13. Walking
14. Surrounding myself with positive people
Brit Gal’s Age Gracefully Gallery

Age Gracefully in Your 20s, 30s, and Beyond Secret #8
Day Dreaming
We will continue exploring the theme of mental wellness by considering daydreaming as a valuable tool for aging gracefully. Research has shown that engaging in daydreaming and envisioning new plans and goals contributes to better mental health. Daydreaming allows us to look beyond our immediate circumstances, providing hope and inspiration. Losing oneself in a daydream can help reduce stress and anxiety. Many business-minded individuals have noted that when you daydream or create a vision board, you are more likely to achieve your life goals.
Furthermore, daydreaming will allow your brain to relax and draw forth on your memory. Day dreaming will help you foster creativity and enable you to think outside the box which then leads you to being better at solving problems. Ultimately, it will put you in a better mood. Smiling more might create a few wrinkles, the good kind, because when you’re happy, you look and feel younger.
Secret #9
Get Outdoors!
Have you ever had a doctor recommend that you or your children spend more time outdoors? Studies have shown that people who regularly engage with nature tend to have stronger immune systems. When you get sick less often, your body doesn’t endure as much strain, allowing you to age more gracefully.
Additionally, when you spend more time outside, you increase the chances of physical exercise: you’ll walk more, play with the kids, run around, chase a dog, and so on.
Spending more time outside improves your sleep, cognitive function, and memory. Additionally, exposure to sunlight and fresh air reduces stress, which is the biggest enemy of aging.
So to sum this secret up: you sleep better, you increase your vitamin D, and improve memory and concentration.
Secret #10
Having Children Keeps You Young

If this secret doesn’t apply to you, don’t worry—there are plenty of other ways to spend time with children without having your own. Keep in mind that these tips and insights come from my personal experience, as I have four children! I truly believe that having kids helps keep me young. Chasing after a toddler or playing soccer with an older child keeps me in great shape, gets me outdoors more often, and helps me stay connected to my imagination, making me more playful overall.
When you can see the world through a child’s eyes, you maintain a sense of wonder about what life has to offer. This perspective also fosters a more positive mindset, which is something we all wish for our children—to be positive individuals.
As mentioned at the beginning of this discussion, if you don’t have children of your own, consider spending time with a family member, such as a niece or nephew, or a friend’s child. You could also volunteer at a Boys & Girls Club. Are you a teacher? The possibilities are many!
Additionally, having children will keep you younger by increasing your social support, and encouraging healthy habits. It’s like that saying goes, if you’re not going to be healthy for yourself, do it for your children!
Age Gracefully Secret #11
Romanticizing Your Life
Romanticizing your life not only enhances your appreciation and fosters a positive mindset, but it also encourages you to live in the moment and make intentional choices that contribute to a healthier, more graceful version of yourself. Our primary goal is to overcome the mental barriers associated with aging and embrace acceptance instead. Adopting a more youthful perspective on life is essential for recognizing the beauty in your current experiences, rather than fixating on the negative aspects of aging.
With mindful practice, you will find ways to enjoy the here and now. You will think about how everything you do will serve you and your goals now and for the future. Romanticizing helps you focus on your own experiences and reduces the comparing of other people.
Secret # 12
Continuing Education
My rose-growing granny lived until the age of 96 and only passed right before her 97th birthday! Granny lived by herself in her own home until the day she went to heaven. Not only that, but she cooked her own elaborate meals, walked everywhere she went on her own, but she had the mental whip of most people younger than her!
Goals, ladies. Goals … How did she do it?
One of the daily habits she always focused on was education. Granny owned her own combo restaurant and motel for most of her life. She was a very learned woman, and as you can tell in most of my posts, is still a huge inspiration to me. Apart from walking and standing everyday to maintain her independence, she also studied every day. Whether that was the bible, crossword puzzles, reading, writing, crafting, sewing, she never stopped learning!
When you are learning consistently, no matter the topic, you are working on your cognitive function, which declines as we age. Working on memory building puzzles, and memorizing lyrics to songs, poems, and recipes, can all help with cognitive function. Keeping your brain active reserves its function over time.
Secret # 13
Dr. Peter Attia is known for his book, Outlive: the Science and Art of Longevity. Dr. Attia also speaks to the public on healthy habits to live your longest, healthiest life. At the very top of his list was physical activity. Buy the book on Amazon HERE:
No surprise there, right? We are often told to exercise for our health. But there is one physical activity that trumps the all the others when it comes to the topic of living your longest, healthier,( aging gracefully) lifestyle. And you guessed it, walking. I, myself walk regularly, but then again, not as often as I’d like. It is something I am striving to get better at!
Walking is a low impact exercise that improves your heart health, strength, and bone and joint health. There are also the added benefits of: mood boost, sleeping better, reducing stress, and getting vitamin D if walking outside. Of all the exercise you can choose, walking is supreme because of the low impact on your bone which is important as we age and prevent injury. There was another book I read on blue zones which after summing up every tip for living a long healthy life, suggests that walking regularly is still the #1 thing you should do. So if you can only choose one healthy habit for aging gracefully, go with walking.
Our Last secret for How to Age Gracefully in Your 20s, 30s, and Beyond #14
Surround Yourself with Positive People!

That’s a wrap for How to Age Gracefully in Your 20s, 30s and Beyond! (part 2)! I hope you enjoyed this blog post. I can’t wait to see your comments.
Here’s to aging gracefully!
Britt Gal
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