It’s that time of year again! Although summer is still months away and spring hasn’t even officially begun, it’s never too early to start preparing to look fabulous in that cute little bathing suit you’ve been longing for all winter. That’s where this “How to Get Bikini Ready Routine” comes in.
Have you ever emerged from a long, snowy winter and suddenly found yourself packing a swimsuit at the last minute, feeling unsettled by your lack of preparation? I know I have. It can be quite stressful to wonder if last summer’s bathing suit will fit, or if your skin looks and feels smooth. Sometimes, you might even worry about whether you look sickly or strong and healthy. That’s why I developed a system years ago to alleviate those concerns.
In this article, you will find a few simple steps to help you get ready to wear that swimsuit with confidence. If you want to learn how to actively prepare to feel great in a bikini at any time, keep reading!
1st Disclaimer
A Feminine Life’s product selections are curated by me. If you buy something through my links, I may earn an affiliate commission, at no cost to you. I only recommend products I genuinely love. I cannot guarantee specific results despite assuring words and title posts found on this blog. View the disclosure at the end of this post for more information.

How to Get Bikini Ready Step 1. Self Love
To look and feel your best in a bikini, the first step is to love yourself just as you are, now and always! Confidence remains the most important way to let your inner beauty shine through to your outer beauty. Be kind to yourself through life’s seasons, and avoid speaking negatively about yourself. Focus on appreciating who you are at every stage while striving to be better than you were yesterday. Be incredibly gentle with yourself as you work to improve your health and appearance. Remember that change takes time, but you’re already halfway there with a positive mindset.
Step 2. Healthy Diet
Eat a healthy diet. I’m sure you saw that one coming. This post isn’t specific to weight loss or losing weight to prepare for wearing your bikini. If you wish to lose some weight, please seek your doctor’s advice. I can only tell you what works for me to look and feel my best.
Try to eat a balanced diet that has ample protein, and lots of colorful fruits and veggies. if you need some healthy high protein breakfast ideas, check out my post on high protein breakfasts HERE:
There are many apps and online tools available to help you determine how many calories, macros, or even how much protein you should be consuming each day to perform at your best. Personally, I prefer to keep things simple. If I’m unsure why I’m gaining weight, I temporarily use a food journal and count my calories. This helps me identify any new habits I’ve developed and whether I am overeating. More often than not, it’s due something easily fixed. Such as, consuming too much sugar and not exercising enough. Or, exercising too heavily and then having a surge in hunger and over eating.
What I eat in a week for Maintaining Healthy Weight or Weight Loss!
- Pitted Mejool Dates (1-3 a day)
- whole fat cottage cheese with cayenne pepper
- eggs (1-2) a day
- lean meat like chicken, beef, salmon or tofu (1-2) times a day
- 3-5 veggies a day (broccoli, brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, are my faves)
- olive oil and coconut oil
- Cacao Powder
- Coconut milk from the can and unsweetened. (use in soups, coffee, smoothies…)
- 3-5 fruits a day (Black cherries, bananas that still have a ton of green on them, 2 citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits, wild blueberries, green apples)
- High protein Greek yogurt
- Nuts (limit the nuts if you are trying to lose weight, because a little goes a long way) I love walnuts and almonds best for maintaining weight. I ALWAYS eat 2 Brazil nuts a day for thyroid health.
- Eat soup 2-3 times a week. (usually some kind of beans, lentils, or a chicken soup with lots of veggies)
- Eat a small salad before lunch and dinner EVERY DAY! Even a small, simple salad will be beneficial.
- I try to get my carbs in the form of fruits and veggies, but have no problems eating rolled oats, quinoa, brown rice and organic pastas and sprouted nut/seed bread. I’m a walking carb! I don’t believe in cutting out whole food groups and I don’t believe in guilt or shaming myself after eating any food group. All things in moderation.
- Eat beans and lentils 2-3 times a week. If you are not used to eating a lot of lentils or beans, start with once per week and work your way up.
- I treat myself daily. I don’t believe in rewarding good behavior at the end of the week or having a cheat day. That way of thinking can be harmful and take the joy out of food. If you eat balanced and treat yourself regularly, you are less likely to binge eat anything. I eat a square of dark chocolate almost daily. I add cream to my coffee just about every morning. If I crave ice cream, I have a small, portioned serving. If I want a slice of pizza I have 1 slice of pizza and pair it with a salad. I never binge and I never feel shame or guilt for my treats. It’s all a part of enjoying this life and food is a HUGE part of my life.
How to Get Bikini Ready Step 3. Food Journal
Use a food journal. Like I said it step 2, I do not obsess about the food journal, and only keep it as a temporary means to write down my goals and figure out where I need to tweak my daily food intake. You can, however, and should, use a journal to write down your goals, talk about your day, and keep to positive affirmations.
In order to start using a journal, take about three days (or more if you’d like) to write down everything that you do. This includes the following:
- when you wake up,
- what you do immediately after waking,
- write down the time that you have your coffee,
- what time you take your supplements & what specifically
- when you eat breakfast
- even your daily exercise routine.
- Don’t forget to write down your other snacks and meals along with the time you eat
- Keep track of your nightly routines
- including your screen time habits
- Calories
That last one is optional. Like I said earlier, I only write down three days worth of calories and food cataloging to keep track of everything. You don’t even need to write down your calories if that freaks you out. Sometimes writing down the times we eat and what we eat is sufficient enough. You can often see what’s happening after spelling it all out.
How to Get Bikini Ready Step 4. Exercise
Get physical! To truly get fit and feel your best, find a workout that inspires and excites you. If you dread exercising, you won’t stick with it. Instead of focusing on specific reps or distances, explore activities you genuinely enjoy. This way, you’ll not only stay active while searching for what you love, but once you find it, you’ll actually look forward to exercising daily. When you enjoy your workout, it becomes a highlight of your day!
So go to a new dance or spinning class. Check out online workouts that you can do from home versus going to the gym where you don’t love the atmosphere, you feel self conscience or you don’t quite know how to use all the equipment. There are so many online options such as Pilates, yoga, ballet, dance, step, walking indoors, Tabata, weighted workouts, cardio HIIT workouts…the list goes on and on.
There’s something for everyone out there!
*Bonus: My Exact Exercise Routine:
This routine focusses on lengthening and strengthening, without creating a bulky body shape. I do 2-3 weighted workouts or HIIT a week to maintain muscle mass and bone health; it also helps with aging. I focus on Yoga and Pilates nearly every day because doing body weight workouts helps you stay strong as you age (you need to be able to pick yourself off the floor should you fall down someday) Flexibility will help with that as well. Furthermore, stretching daily will lengthen your muscles. Walking 5-10k steps a day is the easiest and most beneficial thing you can do to age gracefully and stay strong. On days I’m short of time, I will do a 10-15 min HIIT with or without weight.
Monday: Morning stretch, 5-7k steps, (Strengthening, Lengthening, flexibility workout such as Yoga or Pilates)
Tuesday: Morning Stretch, 5-7k steps, weights or HIIT,
Wednesday: Morning stretch, 5-7k steps, (Strengthening, Lengthening, flexibility workout such as Yoga or Pilates)
Thursday: Morning Stretch, 5-7k steps, Weights or HIIT
Friday: Morning stretch, 5-7k steps, (Strengthening, Lengthening, flexibility workout such as Yoga or Pilates)
Saturday: Whatever feels good. Usually I take the dogs for a walk, do a lot of deep cleaning or go for a hike
Sunday: Whatever feels good, no stress or pressure here!
Step 5. Skin Care
So you know that you need to exercise, eat balanced, write in a food journal, and love yourself as you are now. Additionally, you will want your skin to look great in your bikini.
I recommend you start with my former post on getting glowy skin found HERE:
Basically, you will need to follow these steps to achieve beautiful skin:
- shave, wax, or other hair removal systems
- body scrubs (caffeine will help break down fat and cellulite, so they say)
- bath salts (detox your body and rejuvenate your skin)
- Dry Brush the old dead skin off, and help with lymphatic drainage
- moisturize, moisturize, moisturize (also, rubbing or massaging your skin will help circulation) Vitamin E will help improve stretch marks and sea weed will help to firm, whereas collagen and B vitamins will aid in elasticity
- Use products high in Vitamin C to brighten your skin
- Olive and coconut oil will help moisturize your skin and have many skin improving vitamins
- Microdermabrasion is a must for your face
- Weekly face masks
- facials
- Be consistent with a morning and bedtime facial skin care routine
- Use AL natural products free from chemicals
- Use sunscreen or alternatives to sunscreen
- Never fake and bake (skin cancer is a real thing!) sunbathing/tanning will add sun spots, wrinkles and dry out your skin. The same is true for chemical packed, artificial bronzers
How to Get Bikini Ready #6 Hydrate!
Yep, just like mom has always said, drink your water! When you are hydrated, your skin will looks its best, your body will perform well, and you will be able to maintain , or even lost a little weight. Especially if you are one that doesn’t drink enough water. If you do drink plenty of water, make sure you are adding electrolytes! Coconut water is a great source or electrolytes and potassium. How to Get Bikini Ready could really be as simple as drinking your water! Here are some other ideas to keep you hydrated:
- coconut water
- watermelon juice or the fruit
- infused water (cucumbers and limes, blackberries and sage, lemon slices,
- cucumbers, jicama, iceberg lettuce
- herbal tea
- Decaf coffee
- coconut milk
- smoothies with pineapple and cucumbers
- mushroom coffee
- no sugar added fruit popsicles
#7 Dream Swim Suit Incentive!
Out of sight, out of mind. This can be your worst enemy. To help with this, I recommend that you hang up your swimsuit in your closet or over your bathroom door. Hang it up anywhere you can see it frequently. Doing so, will help you remember to work on getting bikini ready. Don’t obsess, but definitely try your bikini on once a week, and use it to monitor your changes. When you keep your eye on the prize you will be motivated and more likely to reach your goals.
Here are a few bikinis I have my eye on right now! Every swimsuit that I have here is from Amazon, I have included the shopping link.
- Tummy control Cut Out:
- Two Piece Ribbed set:
- High Waisted Tummy control:
- Traditional two piece bikini:
- one-piece, cut out skirted swim suit:
- Asymmetrical one piece, tummy control:
- One piece halter tummy control:
- High waisted, two piece, ruffle top swim suite:
There you have it; now you know How to Get Bikini Ready. Make sure you incorporate all of these tips and you will be bikini ready in no time! Remember, consistency is the key here. Don’t overthink it. Start small, have fun, and enjoy the process.
Xoxo, Britt Gal
A feminine Life by Britt Gal (“company”, “I”, “we” or “us”) provides general educational information on various topics on this website as a public service, which should not be construed as professional, financial, real-estate, tax or legal advice. These are my personal opinions only.
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