In this post, 10 Life-Changing Feminine Choices That Will Transform Your Mind, you will uncover tips and tricks to unlock the feminine part of your mind.
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You will learn how to bring out your feminine side by doing these ten things:
- Making small, conscience choices
- Finding your perfect scents
- Recognizing beautiful things
- How you carry yourself
- How you speak
- Body Language
- Who you choose as a role model
- Space
- What you read and watch
- Choice of company
If your goal is to be more feminine, let his post be your guide. There are numerous ways to bring out your feminine side. Expectedly, we will be going over these ten listed items above. Furthermore, you will be given a summary at the end of this post that you can use as your main source for notes.
First, you need to think about why you are interested in being more feminine. There is no wrong or right answer here. Whatever your reasons are, they are yours and yours alone. For example, I enjoy the practice of being more feminine because it makes me feel connected to my ancestors; all the brilliant, strong, resilient women who came before me.
Once you identify your why, you can hold onto that thought and let it motivate you as you go through feminine life journey.
Also, if you are interested in reading more posts like this one, I recommend this one: Self Care Resolutions for New Beginnings HERE:
Making Small Conscience Choices
Secondly, you will take that why to a whole new level.
Let’s dive deeper. To truly transform your mind you need to learn how 10 Life-Changing Feminine Choices That Will Transform Your Mind, Let’s start here…
Not all women are born with that deep feminine urge to pick wild flowers, wear lace and lipstick , and master the art of enchanting an entire room or seducing a lover.
Okay, maybe that example was little over the top. But, you get the drift. Being feminine is something that takes time and practice to learn. For instance, I’ve been studying the French way of being female since I was a tween, and they make it a way of life. What I mean by way of life is, that French women, mothers, take it upon themselves to teach their daughters their trade secrets for beauty, overall health, and best practices to create that desired feminine poise. French women are known for their Cherchez la femme, a cliche meaning for ‘that look of a woman’. Our version would be the ‘It Girl’.
Making small conscience choices means that you will train your brain to become aware. Like any new habit that you are starting, it will take some effort on your end to be consistent and persistent, until the new habit becomes second nature.
Stop and ask yourself these key questions:
What would a feminine woman do in this situation.
What would a feminine woman wear for this specific occasion?
How would a feminine woman respond that sets herself apart or allows her strong female presence to shine?
How might a woman in touch with her femineity carry herself?
Just like with the mystery of a French woman or It Girl, your feminine powers can be created down to a science. Science= goal x desired outcome x efforts. Okay, I’ve never been great at math or science. In all seriousness, it will take time as you train your mind. Eventually, you will start to think about your overall presence in any given circumstance. After first, of course, recognizing your goals.
Here’s an example:
Let’s say you’re going to dinner at an upscale restaurant. One of your goals might be to blow away your dinner party, or date, by personifying a classy, put together woman who holds herself with dignity and poise. Or, your goal is to be classy, and look and feel like you are as every bit sophisticated and refined as that $100.00 bottle of wine you ordered.
Next, you would control the experiment. You’ve dressed the part (after researching the restaurant’s dress code if applicable). Your hair and makeup are applied in the way that brings out your best features, highlighting what is unique about you. Everything is proceeding smoothly because you researched what fork is meant for which course and the you let the waiter lead the dinner (ask which wine they suggest). It’s okay to let your date order for you after you have chosen your dinner. You have beautiful manners and are gracious to your host and waiters. You know all the right ways to be interesting, you listen as much as you contribute to the conversations…
Get it? You are making conscience, meticulous decisions. Eventually, these 10 Life-Changing Feminine Choices That Will Transform Your Mind will become second nature.
Finding Your Perfect Scent
Phew that last one was a BIG one. Although, essential and the base for everything else we will talk about. Now that your mind is open and you’re more receptive to the world around you we can break down the rest of the list.
Choosing the right scent for you is one of the most personal, feminine decisions you can make. What smells good to a person is purely subjective. The first step in finding your personal scent, whether that’s perfume, eau de toilette, or natural essential oil, is to find something that you connect with.
How do you connect with a scent? And why would you want to?
You connect with a scent by, for example, if the scent reminds you of a memory. Rose reminds me of my grandmother, warm summer days, comfort and endless love. Rose is not something I might want to smell like everyday, but when I’m nostalgic, I will use rose water on my favorite quilt. Scents will often trigger a memory or specific feeling.
When choosing YOUR smell, think about how you want to feel when you are wearing it. Do you wish to feel feminine and seductive? Is there a scent that invigorates your boss babe aura, that helps you feel successful, and driven?
Think about which occasion might you wear a certain smell for. Is it your everyday scent? Or perhaps a perfume you only break-out for special occasions… you will want to experiment with different scents, brands, and styles perfume to find what suits you best.
10 Life-Changing Feminine Choices That Will Transform Your Mind: Recognizing Beautiful Things
This could go hand-in-hand with being self aware and making conscience efforts. Most of the time, we get so busy living our lives that we literally forget to stop and smell the roses. Myself included (I’ll be thinking of you when I do, granny!) Appreciating beautiful aesthetics is something you might not need to work so hard to accomplish. It’s so human of us to take note of a gorgeous sunset, landscape, painting and so on. Stopping long enough to acknowledge this beauty is the key.
During this post about 10 Life-Changing Feminine Choices That Will Transform Your Mind, grab a notebook. Make comments on what you find to be pleasing to your eyes and ears.
Better yet, say it out loud. This kind of positive affirmation is contagious and will likely encourage others to stop and smell that rose, (ah, granny…)
How You Carry Yourself
Most of us don’t think about how we look when we enter a room, let alone how we carry ourselves, especially when no one is looking. The Truth is, how you carry yourself says a lot about how in-tune with yourself you are. It can also falsely say that you are not confident, if you aren’t careful.
How can your body language say anything? You might ask…
Because our bodies do a great job carrying our emotions, including any tension you might feel. How you carry your body can absolutely suggest that you are not feeling confident, or feminine.
This tip for life-changing feminine choices that will transform your mind, is one you’ll need to keep a close eye on. You won’t feel like a feminine woman if you don’t actively think about what your body is doing. Take a day and think about your every move. When you walk, how’s your posture? Are your shoulders slumped? Do you swing your arms wide when you move about?
Our goal here is to move with purpose, dignity, grace, and to set yourself apart from the adolescence.
Moreover, think about the way you sit. When you are in a chair, do you slump in your seat? Or do you sit tall, confident, shoulders back, chin up with purpose and poise? Also take a day to analyze the way you sit. If your legs sprawl apart and you find yourself sitting mirroring a more masculine position, choose a different style of sitting.
You can choose from options like these listed below.
Feminine ways to walk and sit
- Take smaller steps
- Walk with good posture, (shoulders back, ladies)
- Don’t swing your arms wide
- Don’t whip your ponytail back and forth when walking. Slow down and take smaller steps if this is happening
- Sit with your ankles crossed
- Sit with your legs crossed.
- Keep you knees together when you sit
- Sit straight and not slumped
- Sit with your hands placed in your lap
How You Speak
Similar to how you carry yourself, to bring out your femininity, you will want to pay close attention to how you speak. One of the things that make you YOU is how you speak. Everyone has something special about the way the communicate and speak. You don’t need to change who you are to be more feminine. The goal is to bring out your feminine side, and one of the ways you can do this is by speaking in a positive way.
When you are a more positive person, something in your mind starts to shift. You start to see the the good and the beautiful in the world. Remember hearing this phrase?
“If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all?” (I’m 99% sure this is from the Disney movie, Bambi).
In order to do this, try not using negative phrases or words. All swear words fall under the negative category. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes the inner-sailor needs to be let loose once in a while, but while in the act, your feminine side loses its integrity.
Here are ways to speak in a more feminine manner
- speak in a positive manner
- Don’t curse
- Don’t chew gum, or smack gum when talking
- Use proper language
- Enunciate (in other words, speak clearly)
- Don’t speak too fast (me and my sisters are known for the rate at which we speak)
- Be a courteous speaker. Don’t steal the show. Let other’s speak and let them know you are listening when it’s their turn
- Try to make your tone sound upbeat and pleasant (total ‘It Girl’ spunky move right here)
- Don’t force laugh too loud, or snort, or raise your voice in an attention-getting-manner
- Speak with intention. Think before your speak. No blurting here 🙂
Body Language
Alright ladies! This is a goooood one.
I really should have titled this one, the Art of Body Language, because that’s precisely what it is. Art. Moving your body with thoughtful precision is a French Woman’s secret weapon, or so I’ve studied over the years. Other names women with the Art of Body Language go by…
The Suductress
The Charismatic One
The One Who Got Away
The It Girl
That Girl
Femme Fatale; which means an attractive, seductive women. It is also associated with a seductress who breaks a man’s heart…which is not a very positive, feminine thing to do, so we are best to avoid that last one.
In all seriousness, your body language can be worth a thousand words. If you are feeling feminine or wish to feel feminine treat yourself like the graceful, amazing women that you are are wish to be. If you are feeling happy, lovely, and feminine, dance to your own beat. I mean this in the literal sense. Put on some soft music and dance. Grab a partner and dance.
Your body language can let someone know if you are upset, tense, or angry. It can also let someone know that you are feeling every bit as womanly and feminine as God made you. If you are joyful, you can smile, and rejoice, your body is relaxed and content. When you are feeling a romantic sentiment, you might be leaning in towards the man you love. When you are confident and friendly, your eyes will make eye contact, you will smile and acknowledge others who have taken notice of your presence.
Role Model
We’ve all heard that saying about you are who your friends are, right? Or did I seriously just age myself…
Anyway, it’s just as true now as it was then. The role models you choose to follow in life can have a direct impact on you and your feminine wellbeing. We can’t help it. We are all a sponge in some variation or another. We are here on this Earth learning, soaking up every detail we encounter. How can it not leave a lasting effect?
The crazy cool thing about that is, our role models and who we aspire to be will change several times throughout our lives. Most likely, the people you choose as a role model have something you admire, and you only admire it right now because of where you are in your life currently. This is just fine. Keep awareness of what your goals are, and when they shift throughout your life, make sure your role models still align with your new goals.
When it comes to your goals for finding or growing your femininity should be chosen with care. Decide what attributes and characteristic are important to you. Make sure your role model has most of them. Surround yourself with likeminded people, or people you aspire to be more like someday. They will rub off on you, which is why it’s so important to choose wisely.
Living Spaces
This is probably my favorite tip when it comes to adding a little femineity to your life. I adore a space that is well designed and has the slightest touch of feminine style. It’s not too difficult to do, but it might require planning ahead or some research on your end.
Think about what your goals for any given space is. Now, this is not a post about interior design, regardless, interior (and exterior) design can play a role in the representation of our feminine life. Decorating in a feminine style does not mean you need to color drench anything in pink or purple, unless that’s something you want to do. And it certainly does not mean you need to hang floral curtains or buy pillows with frilly anything. Again, unless that’s your thing.
If your goal is to make a space feel balanced with just the right amount of feminine by design touches, then start by adding in a bit of softness. This can be through the use of velvet curtains or pillows. It can mean adding in lightly textured pieces such as a knitted pillow. Think visually aesthetically pleasing. Just like that sunset you admired, or the rose you stopped to smell, add in art work, and patterns that make you stop and admire them.
Candles, flowers, any color paired with texture and feminine energy, even wall paper that is currently all the rage, are all great options to try. Like everything else we are talking about here, practice makes perfect.
Choice of Company
This might sound similar to the subtopic role model. And it is very similar. The main difference between choice of company and role model is, a role model is someone you choose, company is sometimes an uninvited guest or someone you think you have to put up with.
You don’t!
In order to feel your most feminine you need to cut the negative talk and the negative people out. This is going to sound harsh, but I have learned in all my years that toxic people will only weigh you down. The company you choose to keep can weigh you down, or lift you up. They can hinder your progress and success in life, or they can cheer you on.
So in case no one told you or gave your permission here is your sign. You don’t have to keep toxic, negative people in your corner, because most likely, they aren’t in yours.
Instead, choose to surround yourself with genuine people who encourage your success, who want to see you win in life. Choose to let supporters in, the people who see you for you and appreciate you as you are and as who you want to be.
This 10 Life-Changing Feminine Choices That Will Transform Your Mind tip, is the last one. What You Read and Watch
Lastly, in the 10 life-changing feminine choices that will transform your mind, comes this tip… what you read and watch can impact your feminine goals.
There are so many books out there that are designed to help you find your inner femininity. I also enjoy the terms, inner goddess, but I didn’t think to name my blog that. 🙂 At the end of this post you will see a select few books that are meant to encourage you finding your path in this world as woman. I did not write these books. I’m working on a course just for YOU to help you find your femineity, until then, I hope you will enjoy any, or all, of these books.
Back to the topic. What you read and watch can play a role in channeling your female powers. You can take copious notes from books and even movies that offer strong, female heroines. Study them. Watch or read about and take notes about what speaks to you. I’m not sure about you, but I am such a learn by example kind of woman. If I can see something first hand, I can usually understand it pretty well. You can practice imitating what you see. Practice makes perfect.
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*(Please note that I did not write these books. They are only suggested books to read for your possible enjoyment)
Get the Book, The Art of Intentional Thinking Here:
Get the Book, Sacred Woman Here:
Get the Book, The Purpose and Power of Women Here:
Get the Book, Feminine Mystique Here:
I would love to hear what you thought about 10 Life-Changing Feminine Choices That Will Transform Your Mind.
About the Author
About the author: Britt Gal is a former YA Fantasy author exploring new writing projects. She is known for creating strong female heroines and romantic elements in her stories. Additionally, she helps others embrace their femininity and appreciate the beauty of the world.
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